About Me

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I was born in Glasgow, Scotalnd and moved with my family to Geelong, Australia in 1981. I love to cook, I love to craft and I love to remember days now gone. This blog is as much for me as it is for anyone else, It's a way to express, share and remember. Linee pronounced Line-e is a name giving to some years ago by a friend’s daughter who found it difficult to say Caroline as a little girl, over the years it has stuck and now I am known to many as Linee.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

30 Years On

I can remember saying that I have lived more of my life in Scotland than I have in Australia. But as the years have past this statement has been reversed and I now say that I have lived more of my life in Australia than I lived in Scotland. Oh how the time and the years have past.

I was 12 years old when I came to Australia in July 1981 after finishing my first year of high school at Victoria Drive Secondary School and all my primary education at Scotstoun Primary.

                                                                    Scotstoun Primary

                                                            Scotstoun Primary School

I lived for those first 12 years in a Glasgow Tenement or a Room and Kitchen as they were also known. That's right our home consisted of two Rooms only and a toilet no bath and no shower. Our address was 24 Primrose St, Scotstoun.

                                                   Newspaper Clipping - Tenement Life
                                               My Mum, Brother and I are in this clipping
                                                                Can You Spot Met?

Life was good growing up in Scotstoun and we had lots of friends and did lots together. I attended Brownies but mostly we created our own fun & games with the many others around us. Halloween, Guy Fawkes, building giant snowmen and having snow fights. I can remember in Winter listening to Radio Clyde fingers crossed that School was cancelled as the pipes had frozen and we had no heating. I can remember almost every Saturday going to visit my Granny Fitzpatrick with my mum, catching the bus then we would always have home made fish and chips for lunch after we had been to the fishmongers to buy it. I would be curled up in front of granny's TV watching Little House on the Prairie or Charlies Angels (what a contrast).
Sundays I attended Sunday school at the Whiteinch Methodist Church (long gone now) along with my brother and the Flemings. I think I was the only one who enjoyed Sunday School and got something out of it.

                                                    Front Row first on the left - that's me..

We arrived in Geelong Australia July 1981 on a lovely warm winters day about 18oC. I can remember thinking it was hot (not now) and thought it was strange that my cousins were all rugged up and complaining about the cold.

I started at Geelong High School and because school terms were different to Scotland I completed another half year of year 7. This was not a bad thing as I was very young compared to the other students. It took some time to settle into GHS and find a social group. This happened when I became Involved in the School Musical Comedies, Miss Catton was not keen to give me a part until people could understand me (she loved the thick Scottish brogue - but it was hard to understand).

Program from School Musical - Caroline Lynn (that's me)

I became involved in Fenwick Baptist Church and the youth group attending Saturday Activities, youth Camps and then attending Sunday morning Church. I eventually started teaching Sunday School, leading worship services and running youth group.

On leaving School after year 12 I started working at the McKillop St, Dental practice as a Junior Nurse. Well almost 25 years on I am still working at the same Practice 3 days a week as the practice Manager.

In 1999 I met my now husband Rob and we married 6 months later at Fenwick Baptist Church, our wedding was the last thing to happen at the Church before It closed it's doors and merged with Leopold Baptist at the sight of the Old Silver Horseshoe in Moolap. We continued to attend Moolap Baptist becoming involved with the young adults then we were both on the Church leadership until we moved to Barrabool Hills Baptist Church about 4 years ago.
                                                     Our Wedding - 22nd January 2000 

Almost seven years ago Rob and I along with two other friends started up Foundation 61 a men's residential program for Individuals struggling with life controlling issues (such as Drug & Alcohol). Foundation 61 www.foundation61.org.au is a live in program and we are now based at Freshwater Creek, we are a recognised charity within Australia.

                                              Property at Freshwater Creek - Foundation 61

Well as I reflect on some of this I feel like I have had a pretty full and rewarding 42 years, here's looking to the next 42.

                                           Then                                           Now



Amanda said...

GREAT post! it always catches me by surprise - how quickly the time goes. makes me a little blue, knowing my childhood memories are slowly fading with each year..

Mrs Linee said...

I think the importanst thing is always to make a place for those memories Amanda..
And see each one as a significant part of who we are..
I enjoyed writing this one..
Thank you ☺